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Bivallyne Adhiambo Ochieng

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Bivallyne has been at Achungo for 6 years, brought by her Auntie who heard about it from Director Michael.   Her parents are alive, mother is at home and her father works on farms and sometimes sells sugar cane at the market.  She has 2 sisters and 4 brothers, some of whom are at the other … Continued

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Carol Akinyi Hassan

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Carol’s parents died when she was in 1st grade and she lives with her grandmother, brother and two sisters and cousins.  Her grandmother loves her and cares for her and her siblings and does everything she can to help them “fulfill their dreams.”  She brought Carol to Achungo in 2014 to join our 4th grade. … Continued

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Caroly Ochieng

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Caroly has been at Achungo for two years.  Home is about 2 km away where he lives with his parents and three older brothers and older sister. Both of his parents are out of work. He likes that he gets room and board at Achungo and that pupils are given clothes, shoes “and many other … Continued

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Chrisphine Odhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Chrisphine lost his parents to a road accident and came to Achungo 8 years ago at age 5.  Michael had found him living on the street with his brother where they had been surviving off of thrown out food (very difficult in this poor, rural area).  His brother came with him to Achungo but is … Continued

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Dick Tillen

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Dick came to Achungo in 2016, joining the 6th grade after a friend told his brother about it.  Dick lives with his older brother who is 3 years older and his grandma and grandpa about 20 km from Achungo.   At his old school he had to get up at 5 am to walk 2 km … Continued

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Elmin Kisuge

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Elmin’s mother died from an illness when he was young (“she went to the hospital but never came home”). He still has fond memories of her caring for him, playing with him, and reading with him, though he doesn’t remember his father. He lives with his cousin (George Ouko) near Director Michael’s home.  His three … Continued

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Eunice Anyango

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Eunice was brought to Achungo by her grandmother in January 2018 to join the 8th grade. She says that day was the best day of her life.  She had been living with her grandmother about 20 km away from Achungo.  Her mother died in 2008, shot defending the family.  Eunice never knew her father.  She … Continued

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Evance Omondi

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Evance came to Achungo in preschool and has been with us for 10 years.  His mother enrolled him at Achungo along with his two younger brothers (Brian and Steve).  His mother had heard about it from Madam Nancy (one of our first teachers) whom she knew through their church. His mother and father are living … Continued

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Hestone Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Hestone came to Achungo 5 years ago at age 9 to join our 3rd grade after her mother, Lillian Achieng, found out about the school.   Her father, Felix Onyango, is an engineer who works in Kisii and comes home on weekends.   Hestone’s family includes her sister Gigi (3), and brother Milton Omondi (10), both of … Continued

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Hygiene Atieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Hygiene was brought to Achungo 3 years ago by her grandmother and joined our 6th grade.  They had heard about the success at the school.   She lives with her parents, Dixon Otieno and Faith Aweno, her siblings, and her grandmother, but none of them have work.  She also has 12 nephews (ages 12 to 22) … Continued

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Mercy Atieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Mercy’s mother died giving birth to her younger sister and her father died of meningitis, so she and her younger sister, Joy, lived with her grandmother in the Homa Bay area.  She had gone to a private school, Heartspring, until her parents died and her grandmother could no longer afford it.  She then attended Oneno public … Continued

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Mike Onguka Owili

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Mike came to Achungo 5 years ago with his grandmother and joined our 3th grade.  He lived in Oyugis (33 km away) with his grandmother and sister, Lavera Maggy, who is in 1st grade at Achungo.    His parents died in 2007 during a time of serious election violence and he doesn’t remember them at all. … Continued

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Rehema Awuor

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Rehema (12) was brought to Achungo 6 years ago by her grandmother.   She had been living in Homa Bay (about 8 miles away) with her grandmother and her older brother.  Her mother and father had died in a car accident when she was quite young. After that the family was split up as another brother … Continued

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Saidi Shaaban Hassan

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Shaaban came to Achungo 5 years ago joining 3rd grade.  Thought originally from Kisumu, he comes from Ongeng (about 5 km from here) where he lives with his father, younger brother and three younger sisters.   His father brought him to Achungo after hearing about it from a teacher.  His sisters are at Achungo and his … Continued

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Samuel Otieno Nyambok

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Samuel’s aunt brought him to Achungo eight years ago, enrolling him in preschool.  He lives about 3 km away with his mother, who is not working, and his younger brother, Koffi Annan.  His father died of AIDS when he was 6 years old.     When he is home, he fetches water for his mother from a … Continued

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Samwel Briton

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Samwel came to Achungo last year (2017) to learn and “get some religion.”  His parents died from illness when he was 9 and he has since lived with his uncle, his older brother, and two younger sisters about 4km from Achungo.  His uncle also has 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls with the oldest … Continued

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Sharon Achelo Akinyi

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Both of Sharon’s parents passed away from illnesses when she was young.  She was brought to Achungo 4 years ago at age 11, entering our 5th grade.  She hopes for a better life as she gets a good education.  She told us “I like how the teachers teach.”  She enjoys soccer (football) and wants to … Continued

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Tim Patrobah

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Tim was brought to Achungo by his sister, Diana, a teacher at Achungo in 2016.  He lives about 11 km away with 1 brother and 3 sisters and his parents (“who always allow me to do my homework”). Tim’s a joker and says that he always makes people laugh, even when he is in front … Continued

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Valentine Odiwuor

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Valentine has been at Achungo for 7 years, starting in 2nd grade and comes from a home 4 km away that he shares with his father and mother, three older brothers and two younger sisters.    They grow and sell fruits and vegetables (mother tends the garden and father sells the produce at market).  When he’s … Continued

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Vidah Awuor

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Vidah came to Achungo 9 years ago and joined our preschool class.  Her parents had died of illnesses, first, her father when she was very young, and then, her mother when she was in 4th grade.  She has two brothers and two sisters and two cousins.   They all live nearby with her aunt and uncle.  When … Continued

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Vincent Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Vincent’s uncle brought him to Achungo 6 years ago to join our 3rd grade.   His father died when he was a young boy.   He was living in Migori  (about 60 km away) with his mother, two younger sisters, and younger brother Tobias but now lives nearer Achungo with his uncle in Homa Bay. Vincent went … Continued

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Vivian Amondi

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Vivian came to Achungo 8 years ago.  She had not been at a school prior.   Her older sister (age 27) told her about Achungo.  She was 5 when both parents died in a car accident.  She likes living at school and likes the dorm.  She especially likes the teachers – “they are caring, how they … Continued

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Winnie Akoth

8th Grade Graduates of 2018 (Rodi)

Winnie has been at Achungo for 3 years and lives with her older sister about 15 miles away in Migori county.  She has no memory of her mother and she rarely sees her father.   Her brother is in 4th grade at Achungo and her younger sister is at Rarage, a public primary school in Ndhiwa. … Continued