Valentine has been at Achungo for 7 years, starting in 2nd grade and comes from a home 4 km away that he shares with his father and mother, three older brothers and two younger sisters. They grow and sell fruits and vegetables (mother tends the garden and father sells the produce at market). When he’s not in school he likes helping his parents, going to church with his family and reading storybooks. At the end of the school year he tries to find work in order to help support the family.
Valentine told us, “I like Achungo because of good learning. The best thing is to be able to learn well and pass well in the exams.” He asks that we pray for him to pass his exams.
In his spare time likes playing football (soccer), reading books from the school library and dancing. His favorite subject is Math and he wants to become a mechanical engineer “because I will be earning a lot of money and I will also repair broken airplanes.”