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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Mitchell (b: October 13, 2008) joined Achungo in 6th grade. She had been attending Janeiro Junior Academo near Rodi. She says, “It was not good at all. The Janeiro compound was small and it did not even have a library . When the school closed for holidays, I was not surprised because the learning was … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Valence (b: June 4, 2006) joined Achungo in first grade. Prior to that he attended Ogongo Public Primary. He told us, “Achungo is different and the teachers are friendly and hardworking. I expected the teachers to be cruel but was happy that they are so friendly.” He lives in Ogongo, Kaitoma with his father and … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Gregory (b: May 12, 2009) was in first grade at a public school, Nyangu Primary, when his father died. He told us, “It was hard for me to learn there and God told me that he would take me to a place where I could learn. The day I came to Achungo, when I was … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Three years ago, Ann’s parents brought her to Achungo, having heard about it in town. Ann (b: August 6,2007) told us, “I live with my parents at Sota Kochia. I have five siblings, two boys and three girls and they are also going to school. My father is the only one with a job and … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

“I have been at Achungo for 7 years, having heard about it from my parents. [Benedict was born June 16,2008] Prior to Achungo, I attended By-faith Foundation School in our area. When I first came to Achungo I thought that I would be bullied but I was never bullied. I live with my mother, Felister … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

“My parents brought me to Achungo 12 years ago into preschool when they heard that there was a new school that had just been built in our area. Those days we were living in a rented room with my parents, father, Kislara (34) and my mother, Mary (31). My parents currently work at a hardware … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Felix (born August 8, 2008) told us, “My father asked a friend in Homabay for the best school to bring me to and he brought me to Achungo, 3 years ago. Prior to that, I attended a small school called Tassia Connerstone Academy.  That school did not have adequate learning resources and had a shortage of … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Idah (b: January 1, 2008) told us, “My father died before I was born. My mother is a tailor and is parenting me and my sister, as a single mother. My mother is my mentor, my pride and my biggest strength, even if she is a single mother. She is healthy and fit. I used … Continued

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Innocent Mike

8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Mike’s father brought him to Achungo several years ago, having heard from a friend that it was the best school around. Mike (b: March 13, 2008) had been attending Mirogi Boarding and Day School but he told us that the school had so few teachers they couldn’t cover all the required subjects. But with Achungo, … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Jerry’s mother brought him to Achungo 7 years ago. He says he was immediately impressed with the quality of teaching at Achungo. “The best think about Achungo is that very many pupils have passed their KCPE with a good score. I believe in the name of God that I will also do the same. Here … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

John (born January 30, 2009) told us, “I came to Achungo seven years ago after my father learned about it from the school headteacher. It is known as the best school ever in Homa Bay County.  I attended St. Mary’s Academy in Oyugis, but It had few teachers unlike Achungo. At Achungo I was surprised … Continued

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Lawrence Lucas

8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Lawrence (b:September 3, 2007) joined Achungo in the 6th grade after his father heard about it. Prior to that he had attended Kiwa Primary School in Gwasi Suba South, Nyandiwa district, Homa Bay county. He says there were not enough teachers there and poor instruction. When he came to Achungo he was immediately impressed with … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Samwel’s father brought him to Achungo several years ago. He says Achungo will allow him to achieve his dreams for the future. Samwel (b: June 20, 2007) had attended Rodi Primary, the local public school, but he says, “It not have many teachers and we used to play a lot and the teachers did not … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Silvance (born September 3, 2008) came to Achungo in 4th grade after attending Wiga Primary School in Gwasi.  He told us that Wiga just didn’t have necessary learning materials and he found a much higher standard of learning at Achungo. He says that at Achungo he is confident in getting a good education so that … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

After Stephine’s mother died, his father brought his to Achungo into first grade. Before that, Stephene (b: April 12, 2007) attended Rarage Primary in Kabuoch. He would get to school late, at 8:00 am, because he was walking such a long distance from home. He says that Achungo is a very good school, and the … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 December (Rodi)

Vincent (born May 5, 2008) was brought by his father to Achungo in 4th grade. He had been attending Palu-Masogo Primary school near his home but says, “it was very poor in learning resources and we were not being taught much. At Achungo I can see good improvement.” At first I thought Achungo would be … Continued