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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Nicole (b: May 5, 2007) has been at Achungo for four years after attending Majiwa Primary. Things were so difficult there that she says, “I used to question God. I walked to school and walked home on foot. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I was getting low marks in Majiwa.” But … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Edwin (b: August 1, 2007) lives with his grandmother and two older brothers. His father died during the pregnancy and his mother died at the hospital after delivering Edwin. His grandmother is ill with a growth in her stomach. His two brothers had to drop out of school because there was no money for school … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Christine (b: June 4, 2007) came to Achungo (Imbo) in 4th grade. She had been attending Kawia Primary but “the classes were congested and the teachers were never serious.” She says that Achungo has a better facility, she can eat well here and the best thing is that the students are doing serious studies. Both … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Josephine lives in the countryside with her father, two older brothers and seven younger sisters. Her father has lung cancer and is jobless, so the family often goes without food all day. She has been at Achungo for five years and it has made all the difference for her. Before that, she attended a public … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Allan (b: August 8, 2004) joined Achungo in 2018. He attended a public school prior, and says that it did not provide a good education but at Achungo the teachers understand their subjects and do a good job of teaching. He especially likes science and social studies because he learns so much about the culture … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Sarah (b: December 12, 2006) was attending Majiwa Primary but “it was not good” and she “was achieving little.“ She enrolled at Achungo (Imbo campus) in 5th grade and says, “I feel good at Achungo because I score good marks. Achungo has the best performance compared to the school where I was before. I found … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Bostone (b: January 4, 2007) came to Achungo (Imbo) in 4th grade after attending Faith Academy. He says that Achungo is a much better school because the teachers are well-trained and able to help the students with their learning. He lives in Amoso village with his parents and his brother who also has his wife … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Douglas (16) was brought to Achungo (Imbo campus) by his mother, a teacher, when he was in 5th grade, as she started working at Achungo. He had been attending Heartspring Junior Academy. He said that Achungo is different from other schools because “life is good and there is serious learning taking place, pupils are performing … Continued

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Christine A

8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Christine (15) came to Achungo (at Imbo) in 6th grade after attending Majiwa Primary. In those days she would be sent home for lunch but often there was no food at home. At Achungo there is always food for her. She lives with her mother, two brothers (one older and one younger) and two younger … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Zadock came to Achungo (Imbo) in 7th grade after attending Majiwa Primary. He told us there is no comparison, that Achungo is the best school he had even gone to in his life. He said Majiwa didn’t provide books or food or a good education. He says Achungo is the school he’d been looking for, … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Moses (b: October 20, 2006) lives in Imbo town (near our 2nd school) with his grandmother, older sister and younger brother. His parents had no jobs and left the family soon after his brother was born. His grandmother has no money to pay for schooling, so his sister had to drop out. They have a … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Velma (b: August 14, 2007) came to Achungo in 5th grade after attending GodKado Primary. She had heard about Achungo and was wishing that she would be able to attend. She says Achungo is very different from her former school and is clean and the area has clean air. She has been very happy at … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Alventer (age 15) has been at Achungo, Imbo campus, since 2017. Compared to her prior school, she says that Achungo is a good school where she gets much more teaching and can get help from the teachers and other students anytime she needs it. She told us that life was difficult for her before Achungo. … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Florence (b: October 26, 2006) came to Achungo four years ago after attending God-Kado Primary School. She says the education offered there was not good and she likes how the teachers at Achungo do such a good job of teaching in comparison. She gets help whenever she is struggling in her studies. She lives in … Continued

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Josephine A

8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Josephine (15) lives in Masakla village with her grandmother, Hellen Atieno (69). Hellen has chronic pain in her legs and very poor vision and so, is unable to work. They get their food from a small garden that is planted with maize. Her parents both died after long illnesses, her father with pneumonia and her … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Juliet was living in a nearby village with her grandmother when she heard about Achungo from a neighbor and enrolled four years ago.  She says she never knew my parents, not even if they are dead or alive. She has a brother and a sister who are living with other neighbors. Her grandmother has diabetes … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2022 April (Imbo)

Robert (b:September 12, 2008) came to Achungo’s Imbo Primary in 4th grade having found out about it from a friend and then, searching the village for the school. Prior to Achungo he attended public school at God-Kado Primary. He told us,”Life in that school was not easy. We had to sit outside under a tree … Continued