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Abel Onyango Ogambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Life changed for Abel when his father died of HIV/AIDS in 2010, leaving him with his mother, also HIV positive. As the oldest child, the boy had to work to feed his family and missed a lot of school. Michael Nyangi found out about his situation from a public school teacher. When Abel enrolled at … Continued

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Alvin Shadrack Nyateko

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Alvin joined Achungo last year for 7th grade. Both of Alvin’s parents are alive and although quite poor, when they heard about Achungo, they enrolled him and agreed to pay a small amount toward his tuition. Alvin is a disciplined student, who says he “loves to learn and acquire knowledge.” His favorite subject is math … Continued

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Brian Mwita Omodia

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Brian’s father learned about Achungo from the parents of Duke Awino, a top student in our first graduating class of 2014. Brian’s mother and siblings live about 20 miles away, but his father is often 250 miles away in Nairobi looking for manual labor.  Wanting the best for his son, Brian’s father brought him to … Continued

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Brian Odhiambo Odongo

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Brian Odongo was one of the first students at Achungo in 2005 while both of his parents were alive and helping pay his tuition. When he was in 3rd grade, his father died after a long illness, and the boy left Achungo. Director Michael Nyangi later learned that Brian’s mother had taken him and his … Continued

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Brian Omondi Atinga

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Brian’s father died long ago.  He lives with his mother, who is HIV positive, about 1 mile from the Achungo school. He has been walking to school at Achungo since he was 5 years old and is known to his many friends here by his nickname, Tinga Tinga.  He has a younger half-sister, born after … Continued

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Briton Otieno Odero

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Six years ago Briton’s father died of HIV/AIDS. His mother, his father’s second wife, is also HIV positive and lives in Oneno Village with her three children. Briton enrolled at Achungo in 7th grade.  This year the teachers selected Briton for school chaplain because he follows direction well and is knowledgeable in the Bible, being … Continued

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Clifford Ooko

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Clifford is a determined young man. After his father died in 2014, leaving behind a wife and three children, Clifford approached the Achungo head of school uninvited. He told Michael Nyangi, “I want to be a lawyer, but I won’t make it by going to public school. If I come to Achungo, I will be … Continued

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Edith Awuor Odondo

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Edith started attending Achungo for preschool before any of the current campus was built. Achungo has also changed the life of her twice-widowed mother who has six daughters. Because she was left without a husband or son, her family took away her land and she was left with only her house—no land even for a garden to … Continued

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Emanuel Juma

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Emmanuel’s friend Laurine Akinyi, a 2015 graduate, told him about Achungo.  But to enroll him, his grandmother had to prove that he was an orphan. She presented Michael Nyangi with documentation that he had no parents and the area chief confirmed it. Emmanuel enrolled in Class 7, moved into the boys’ dorm, and has become … Continued

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Emelda Awuor Obado

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Sometimes a girl just needs to take matters into her own hands. Emelda’s mother died long ago and her father, who lived in Rodi Kopany, eventually married another woman, but the new couple neglected her. She’d heard about Achungo from friends, so 13-year-old Emelda bravely came alone to enroll. She brought a complete handwritten application … Continued

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Jalayvone Otieno Oluch

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Jalayvone is a bright student who enjoys math and science and heads the debate team. In addition to providing a strong academic experience, Achungo has been her haven from the harsh realities of poverty and Kenyan cultural practices. Jalayvone came to Achungo in Class 6 from Kabuoch, an area that’s extremely poor.  Few adults or children from … Continued

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Lencer Atieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

In 2007 Lencer was living with her parents and five siblings in Mombasa, Kenya’s second largest city (about 500 miles away on the coast), when her father was killed during widespread post-election violence. The next year, her mother brought the children back to her hometown 6 miles from Rodi Kopany.  Lencer attended public school, but … Continued

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Margaret Vallary Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Margaret was brought to Michael Nyangi’s attention by her neighbor who is on his advisory board. Both of her parents died of HIV/AIDS when she was 4, leaving her to live with her grandmother. She attended public school in Rodi Kopany until her grandmother was too old to care for her any longer, and she … Continued

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Maurice Otieno Ariko

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Maurice lost his father in 2004 and mother in 2010 and went to live with an uncle, who was very poor. To survive, Maurice worked on a farm taking care of cattle for about a year. He was mistreated by the farmer, eventually running away because of the beatings. A school administrator brought him to … Continued

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Mercy Brenda Odendwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Although Mercy’s parents are alive, they are divorced and her father has remarried. When she came to Achungo in 5th grade, Mercy’s father helped pay her tuition. When he lost his job, and could no longer pay, Michael Nyangi allowed Mercy to continue her education anyway because she’d proven herself to be a very bright, … Continued

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Phenny Awuor Odhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Phenny’s father was a teacher, paying for her to attend private school before he died in a car accident. After his death, Phenny’s mother couldn’t pay the tuition, so brought her to Achungo and enrolled her as a boarding student in 7th grade.  Phenny performed well on the placement test that Achungo gives new students. … Continued

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Samuel Odhiambo Wagumba

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

Samuel was commuting over 20 miles to school each day with his parents as they looked for work in Rodi-Kopany.  They eventually opened a small canteen here and his father brought Samuel to Achungo planning to contribute to his tuition (it is about $7 per month). However, Samuel’s mother divorced his father and then disappeared … Continued

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Wyclife Oketch Okeyo

8th Grade Graduates of 2016 (Rodi)

After his parents divorced, Wyclife’s mother disappeared and his father, a teacher, died. Wyclife and his 5 siblings lived with his aunt about 4 miles from Rodi, where she made a living selling watermelon in the marketplace. He joined Achungo in 3rd Grade and now has many friends at his new home. “The teachers love … Continued