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Cynthia Adhiambo Malela

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Cynthia (13) joined Achungo 2 years ago entering 6th grade.  She was living near Director Nyangi’s village of Kager with her elderly, disabled father and her brother (20).  Cynthia had to drop out of school to help support the family by working in the sugar cane fields until we found her and brought her to Achungo.   She says of … Continued

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Elisha Odero Aruongo Ooko

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Elisha (13) was living with his grandmother and grandfather (his parents died when he was 2).  He has a brother in high school.   joined Achungo this year, having attended .  “Here there is more time to study,” he says. Elisha had dropped out of School (St. Alfred’s Primary at Imbo, near Director Nyangi’s home village) when … Continued

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Erick Otieno Odhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Erick (13) has been at Achungo since first grade.  He lives in Ogande (a few miles away) with his mother and grandmother.  “Achungo is nice.  I have learned to read and write.”  His favorite subjects are Math, History and studying the human body in Science.  He wants to become a surgeon “I like learning how … Continued

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Esther Awuor Dianga

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Esther (15) came to Achungo mid-year last year, having spent some time at Hogomi Academy in Ndhiwa (about 12 miles away).  Her mother and father live in Obiero where she has 2 brothers and 2 sisters.  They did not have money to support her, so she moved in with her oldest sister (20) and husband and … Continued

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Grace Adhiambo Oguda

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Grace, 13, first came to Achungo to Preschool (“Baby Class”).  She lives with her aunt and uncle (they have a subsistence garden) and is the last born of 7 children.  One brother is in secondary school, and a sister is in 6th grade in Homa Bay.  She loves being at Achungo– “the teachers are very helpful” and now … Continued

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Jackline Awuor Nyanjwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Jackline (14) joined Achungo last year, previously attending Heart Springs Primary (a public school) in Kochia where she lived with her father and 4 siblings (3 of them are at Heart Springs and 1 is in teachers’ college).  “In public school teachers are not serious about their work” Her mother died from an illness when Jackline … Continued

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Jael Aida Ogola

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Jael (13) came to Achungo 2 years ago entering 6th grade. She lived in Oyugis (about 20 miles from Rodi) with her grandmother and step-sister and step-brother, having lost her parents when she was in 1st grade.   She also has a sister (20) and brother (26 and married) who live in Kisumu along with 2 brothers who are in high … Continued

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John Belinz Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

John, 14, came to Achungo this year. John lives with his mother in Rodi.  His father is a teacher in Kisumu who he sees during breaks.  His favorite subjects are Math and Science and he wants to go to University to become a Civil Engineer.  John likes badminton and when he’s out of school, he likes … Continued

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John Steve Odiwuor

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

John, 16, lives with his step-father, Alfred and Alfred’s 7 children and John’s older sister, who is in high school.  John started Achungo this year, having previously attended Ndiru Primary nearby.  “The learning is better here.  Here there are preps in the evening and there is boarding.”  At the public primary there was less teaching and less study time. … Continued

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Lawrence Otieno Olum

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Lawrence, 15,  joined Achungo last year, for 7th grade.  Lawrence lived in Pap Ndege (about 44 miles from Rodi)  with his mother.  His parents are separated and his father is apparently in Nairobi, but Lawrence has no memory of him.  His mother is sickly and very poor and struggles to provide for her 5 children.  In order to … Continued

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Lorine Meril Akinyi

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Lorine (14) came to Achungo 2 years ago, in 6th grade.  Before that she had attended Ngera Primary– “there the teachers were often absent.  At Achungo the teachers and the students are helpful and the teaching is good.”  She is the oldest of 4 children and lived with her mother (she never knew her father, now … Continued

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Matthew (Calvince) Amoya

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Matthew (16) joined Achungo 2 years ago, having attended Pap Ndege  a public primary about 40 miles from Rodi.  Matthew transferred from Class 8 at his old school where he had taken the final Exams but performed poorly (scoring 130/500).  When he came to Achungo, he dropped back 2 grades to 6th because he’d gotten so … Continued

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Michael Kevin Omondi

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Michael is 13 and has been at Achungo for 3 years.  He was living with his Aunt and her sons and daughters nearby.  He has been with them ever since his mother left him when he was 3.  He likes the teachers at Achungo and likes playing volleyball.  Michael hopes to become a Doctor.  When he’s … Continued

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Rolex Achieng Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Rolex joined Achungo this year, coming from Ligisa Primary.   She was living with her parents and 3 brothers (6, 8, and 12), but her parents are too ill to work and are unable to provide for the family.  Her brothers used to attend a nearby private school, Mariwa Junior Academy, but have since had to move to … Continued

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Shadrack Ochola Orwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Shadrack is 13 and joined Achungo in the 4th grade, having attended nearby Rodi Primary.  “In the public school, we were not being taught well.  Teachers came just 3 days a week.  It is hard to learn.  Here the teachers do good work and so students can do good work.” Shadrack’s family was known to Director Nyangi … Continued

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Sharon Achieng Odongo

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Sharon is 14 and joined Achungo last year in 7th grade.  Before that she was been living with her step-sister and brother.  Her step-sister’s husband is deceased and her step-sister supports herself selling sugar cane and firewood at the roadside. For a time, Sharon attended nearby Rodi Primary public school.  She likes Achungo because “there is higher … Continued

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Sharon Auma Otieno

8th Grade Graduates of 2015 (Rodi)

Sharon is 15 and came to Achungo this year.   She was living with her 21-year-old brother, a truck driver who is her only living family.  She has no memory of her parents. She previously attended Wikoteng Primary.  “They taught in Mother Tongue [Luo] and I was failing and saw an opportunity to come to Achungo.  Here … Continued