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Becky Cynthia Adhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Unlike many in her class, Becky enjoys studying Swahili (her third language, after her native Luo and English) and wants to turn her interest in language into a TV journalism career. She’d like to study at University of Kenyatta or University of Nairobi after secondary school.   If she doesn’t get into journalism, Becky wants to … Continued

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Benard Otieno Orwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Benard is a natural and humble leader, an athlete, and a diligent student. He’s in his element whether he’s singing a solo or teaching the class in morning worship or in a homemade costume leading the boys in a tribal dance or competing in volleyball or helping other students with their homework as he works … Continued

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Brian Onyango Orwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

When Achungo found Brian and his younger sister, Wendy, they were living with their grandparents with Brian spending his days fetching wood from the forest and water from the river. His father, a policeman in northern Kenya, had been killed by cattle rustlers and some years later his mother, Rose, took sick and died. Brian … Continued

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Clement Onyango Oswago

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Clement lived with his grandmother since the loss of both of his parents when he was 6. Because she didn’t have money for him to go to public school, he stayed home most of the time, helping with chores. The best day of his life, Clement says, was “when (Achungo Director) Michael brought me here.”  … Continued

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Cynthia Adhiambo Juma

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Cynthia is Steve Juma’s half sister.  Their father’s 2 wives, their mothers, had different households, so after his death, they lived with different relatives and enrolled at Achungo at different times.  Both had often been absent from school because they couldn’t pay public school costs. Like her brother, Cynthia’s favorite subjects are science and social … Continued

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Duke Otieno Awino

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

As opposed to most of the Achungo students, this sweet, lanky teen has both his parents living (in Oyugis, about 30 km from Achungo).   Achungo founder Michael Nyangi admitted Duke to class 7 in 2012 because he was living in poverty, and his parents couldn’t afford to pay public school fees. Like many Kenyan men, … Continued

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Geophrey Kamau Onyango

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Geophrey is highly versatile – he enjoys cooking, cartooning, storytelling, science, engineering, socializing and football (soccer).   He learned to cook samosas and chapatti from his mother, who cooks and sells food roadside, near Achungo. Geophrey lost his father when he was young.  When he came to Achungo last year, he had been living with his … Continued

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James Omondi Okal

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

James has “about 16 siblings,” he says, since his father had four wives before passing away more than 10years ago. James is at Achungo with his half brother Bernard, also in class 8. Mr. Selim, one of James’ teachers, describes him as “passionate about learning, ready to be guided.” After secondary, James hopes to graduate … Continued

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Joshua Okelo Seco

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Joshua is in his third year at Achungo and wants to be like Michael Nyangi, the orphanage-school’s founder and director. Like Michael, Joshua is patient, honest, disciplined, humble and a leader in his role as the class 8 prefect. He plans to go to secondary school and on to university. He even shares Michael’s philanthropic aspirations. … Continued

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Maurine Otieno Adhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

“I’m happy all the time, ” Maurine says, whenever you ask how she’s doing.    She was happy living with her grandmother, Magdalena, in nearby Ndiwa before coming to Achungo in 2012. She doesn’t remember her mother or father at all. She appreciates Achungo “I’m learning more here because the teachers are highly trained,” says Maurine. … Continued

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Peggy Awuor Orako

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Peggy is one of our first students, having been at Achungo since joining the preschool in 2005. She likes living in the new girls dorm because it has electricity, unlike home where she lived until this year with her mother and grandmother. Living in the dorm gives Peggy time to study the subjects that will … Continued

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Sharon Mecril Obano

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Sharon was 7 when her father died in an accident in 2006 and her brother, Steve, was 4, and sister, Ida, an infant.  When their mother died the following year, they moved in with their grandmother in the village of Rodi Kopany, where Achungo is located.  Feeding and clothing three young children were a struggle, … Continued

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Steve Ouma Juma

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Steve’s parents died before he turned eight. He moved in with his grandmother and his diabetic grandfather, but they couldn’t afford to buy the food, school uniform and supplies he needed to attend public school. When Achungo’s headmaster met Steve in 2012, the boy had not attended school for seven years and owned no shoes. … Continued

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Winfred Edith Ochieng Akoth

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

When Winfred was three, her father died in a car accident, and her mother died 4 years later.  Since age 7 she has lived with her grandparents, aunt and cousin. When she arrived at Achungo, with her twin 6-year-old siblings, she was shy and struggled academically, but she worked hard, sometimes one-on-one with favorite teacher … Continued

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Wycliffe Mwok Ochieng

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

Wycliffe’s mother died when he was very young and his father was killed by his own brother.  He was living with his stepmother and widowed aunt in a village about 20 kilometers distant when he was first brought to Achungo three years ago. Since then he has boarded at the school, only going home on … Continued

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Brian Onyango Orwa

8th Grade Graduates of 2014 (Rodi)

When Achungo found Brian and his younger sister, Wendy, they were living with their grandparents with Brian spending his days fetching wood from the forest and water from the river. His father, a policeman in northern Kenya, had been killed by cattle rustlers and some years later his mother, Rose, took sick and died. Brian … Continued