2011 June Trip: Debrief and Go, Thursday

This morning is our last at the Tausi Hotel, our last in Rodi Kopany, we are leaving Achungo today.  But this is a day of important work — after breakfast we spent about 3 hours in a debrief process, reflecting on our experiences and what they mean in our lives. We gather in the “lounge” … Continued

2011 June Trip: How Can We Possibly Leave? Day 10 (Wednesday)

Several team members had talked about the value of giving the staff a way to organize all the stuff we’d brought rather than just leave piles of new things.  Julia M had recounted her father’s adage that whatever you do you always have to take care of the staff.  So Julia, the energizer bunny, has … Continued

2011 June Trip: Now We are Teachers! Day 9 (Tuesday)

While most of the team spend the day in classes with the teachers and children, reading, teaching, doing games, etc. (and someone else will have to fill in that detail….), Chris and Monte spend the day shopping with Michael.  We start at the Rodi lumber yard shopping for materials to build new desks.  Chris has … Continued

2011 June Trip: a Suney Day at Achungo! Day 8 (Monday)

Today is our first planned-out day to work with the children and teachers.  Suney began our trip quietly expressing the hope that she might somehow be helpful.  Today, she proves that to be the understatement of the year.  Her experience as a 6th Grade teacher for several years and apparently, helping with VBS (Vacation Bible … Continued

2011 June Trip: A Time for Fellowship Day 7 (Sunday)

Today Michael has invited us to his home church (Kager Vision Center) and then to his home (for lunch) and he has contracted a matatu for our travel.  The matatus are modified minivans used as taxis that seat 10 with room for 14 passengers (yes, you read that right).  That’s including 2 or 3 sharing … Continued

2011 June Trip: We Welcome You to Achungo Day 6 (Saturday)

Last night Chris shared about how the 12 Steps provide a regimen for healing through surrender to God (Higher Power) and through the processes of confession and of making amends with those we’ve harmed (or sometimes, those who’ve harmed us).  It was a very powerful teaching for us all. This morning we talk about the … Continued

2011 June Trip: Will the Wildebeests Please Get Out of the Way? Day 5 (Friday)

It’s Friday and we’re departing Masai Mara to make our cross-country trek to Achungo.  But it seems that the entire park has come out to the road to either wish us farewell or block our escape.  Seemingly endless parades of wildebeest and zebra frequently block the road before us.  The gazelle, the elephants, water buffalo, … Continued

2011 June Trip: Still More Zebras? Day 4 (Thursday)

Today is our full day in the Masai Mara and it does not disappoint.  A day of dueling telephotos and herds of safari vans, but a day of  what seems like phenomenal luck as we see an incredible show of this very exotic wildlife. We find what must be the same pride and park right … Continued

2011 June Trip: Hitting the Road for Masai Mara: Day 3 (Wednesday)

It’s a miracle!  We all made it to Nairobi without delays and we are finally together!  Ron had arrived a day early and met us in the airport.  Susan’s flight made it with only a slight delay.  At last we are together and on our way to a Safari (a SAFARI!). It takes us about … Continued

2011 June Trip: In-Flight: Days 1 and 2 in transit to Nairobi

From all across America we gather.   To be more precise, we have teams leaving from San Francisco and from Baltimore and the first time we would ever meet them was to be at Heathrow on our way to Nairobi, and the first time the entire team would be together was not to be until Nairobi … Continued

2011 June Trip: The Pre-Trip Prep

For months before our trip, our team took opportunities to get together to study and prepare.  Let’s just say that in some ways these were virtual meetings since 3 teammates were on the East Coast (Julia, Meg and Clare) and one was in SoCal at school until a few weeks before the trip (Ana). But … Continued