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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Augustine Dylan (14) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  for 5th grade in 2017 having heard from students in his area that it was a good school. [Note: 2017 was the first year of operation for Achungo’s primary school at Imbo]. He lives nearby with his parents and his older brothers Enoch and Dennis. His mother … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Brandon (15) lives with his godparents and brother (15) and joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2019 for 7th grade having heard from others that Achungo was an excellent school. He likes the strong academic performance at Achungo and enjoys his studies and their sports games. On holidays he helps his godparents. He hopes to … Continued


8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Brightone (14) was told about Achungo’s high performance by a friend and he joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2018 for 6th grade. He had attended St Alfred Primary earlier but he told us, “At Achungo the teachers are better, and the buildings and classrooms are better.” He immediately liked Achungo and he was impressed … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Browlyne is 16 and grew up about 26 km from Achungo in Obwanda, with his parents, and a younger brother (6). He attended Gates Primary and was brought by his mother to Achungo’s school at Imbo in 2017 for 5th grade. They had heard about Achungo’s academic performance. He can walk to school in about … Continued

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Chali Austine

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Chali Austine (16) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2017 for 5th grade after hearing from a friend about the quality of learning at Achungo. He has been living with his uncle and a brother (12) and sister (10). During free time he likes studying together with other students and playing football (soccer) and other … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Christopher (15) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2019 for 7th grade having heard that it was a strong school. He found that, compared to his last school, Achungo has “better teachers and much better academic performance.” Christopher lives nearby with his parents, a brother (15) and a sister (11). In his free time, he … Continued

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Elizabeth Akoth

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Elizabeth (15) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2017 for 5th grade, having previously attended Olosho Primary. She lives with her parents, two sisters and a brother. She says that Achungo is a nice school and her favorite subject is Science. Outside of class, she likes playing with friends and likes to study and talk … Continued

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Emmaculate Achieng Ochieng

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Emmaculate (16) was brought by her mother to Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2016 for 4th grade, having attended Heartspring Academy prior to Achungo. She told us the teaching was substandard at Heartspring but she likes the teachers at Achungo and how they help the students learn. Emmaculate lives at considerable distance from the school … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Emmaculate (16) joined the 5th grade at Achungo’s Imbo school for its first year of operation, in 2017. She lives with her mother and 2 brother.s Her father died in 2013 in a traffic accident. She had previously attended Salem Academy, but told us it was “not a good experience. There was no proper teaching … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Emmanuel (15) was brought by his father to Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2019 for 7th grade, having previously attended Godkado Primary.  He lives close to the school with his parents and three younger siblings. On weekends he plays with friends and goes to church with his parents. Emmanuel hopes to become a doctor. Emmanuel … Continued


8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Isaac (15) was brought by his mother to Achungo’s school at Imbo in 2017 for 5th grade, having heard about its reputation for strong academics. He says he “was very happy from the first day because Achungo was so much better” than his previous school, Koyore Primary. He told us Achungo has better teaching methods, … Continued

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Jacob Omitto

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Jacob (age 14) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2017 for 5th grade, having previously attended Godkado primary. He likes the teachers at Achungo (“they teach well”) and that there is food for the students. His home is not far from the school. He lives with his parents (they have a small shop) and his … Continued

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Jacob Ouma Odhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Jacob  is 14 and lives in Homa Bay with his father.  His mother died in 2013 from kidney failure.   Jacob also has a sister (12) and a brother (6) who live with their aunt. Jacob’s father learned about Achungo’s reputation for academic excellence and brought Jacob to Achungo’s school at Imbo in 2019 for the … Continued

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8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

John (16) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2017 for 5th grade, having previously attended Gateview Primary. He likes Achungo’s beautiful school buildings and that it has a reputation for great teachers who produce academic excellence in its students. His home is 100 kilometers from Achungo where he lives with his parents and four older … Continued

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Lizzy Awuor

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Lizzy is 14 and lives with her mother and two brothers. She’s been at Achungo’s school at Imbo for 3 years. She told us the best part about it is the opportunity to learn and that “I can have a better life and future.” She enjoys studying with friends, playing football (soccer) and on the … Continued

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Martha Achieng

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Martha is 17 and lives with her grandmother. She has been at Achungo’s school at Imbo since she was 13. Before that she went to school at Majiwa, but she told us that the teaching is much better here. She enjoys the learning and likes studying together with her friends. Her favorite subject is Math … Continued

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Melvin Akinyi

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Melvin (at 13, one of our youngest 8th graders) lives in Homa Bay (about 8 miles from the school) with her parents and three brothers (ages 8,11, and 15). Her mother has small shop, and her father tends to his one acre of maize. Her mother brought her to Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2018 … Continued

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Meshack Otieno Ogalo

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Meshack (18) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2019 for 7th grade having heard from others about how the school performs well. He likes the teachers and says they are much better than in his previous school, “we are being taught well by good teachers.” Meshack loves “learning things I don’t know.” His favorite subject … Continued

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Shadma Adhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Shadma (age 14) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2018 for 6th grade after her mother heard about the school. She lives with her parents, and two older brothers. She likes the teachers at Achungo and how they encourage the students to participate in class. Outside of class she likes studying with friends and playing … Continued

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Steve Kevin Omondi

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Steve’s home is not far from the Imbo school where he lives with his parents and 4 younger siblings.  His parents have no jobs but manage the family garden plot for their food. Steve (age 14) came to Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2018 for 6th grade, having previously attended Tiluat Primary. He told us … Continued

Sylvia Adhiambo

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Sylvia is 15 and came to Achungo two years ago to get good marks (she had been told of good performance at Achungo). “Here the teachers and pupils are polite, caring and understanding.”  “I like to study, read storybooks, or play on weekends” Home is not far away and she lives with her mother.  Her … Continued

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Teddy Williams

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Teddy (14) was brought by his father to Achungo’s school at Imbo in 2017 for 5th grade, having heard about it from friends. Note that the school at Imbo first opened in 2017 with classes up to 5th grade. Teddy had previously attended Kusa Primary, in Siaya County, but he told us “those buildings were … Continued

Veisha Anyango Oburu

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Veisha (15) lives about 26 km from Achungo with her parents, twin brother and an older and a younger brother. She attended Mwamba Primary and was brought by her father to Achungo’s school at Imbo in 2017 for 5th grade. They had heard about Achungo’s academic performance. Veisha told us, “I like the teachers here, … Continued

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Victoria Gaius

8th Grade Graduates of 2021 (Imbo)

Victoria (14) joined Achungo’s school at Imbo  in 2018 for 6th grade having heard from others about the school. She lives nearby with her parents, a brother and a sister. She enjoys playing football and netball with friends, studying, and reading storybooks. She likes the teachers and the way they help the students learn. Her … Continued