Trizer lives with her mother, Everlyne Akinyi, in Kisumu (two hours’ drive) and her two brothers, Paul Omondi (20) and Humphrey (8). Her father died several years ago. Because they could not pay school fees, Paul had to drop out of school. Trizer was attending Nyamasaria Primary school in Kisumu but also couldn’t continue because they couldn’t pay the school fees. [The schools charge for each exam, so poor students cannot advance even if they do well in class.] Her headmaster referred her to Achungo because he knew she was a good student who simply couldn’t pay for exams. She was accepted into Achungo in 2016.
In her previous school “there were no computers, no library, no sports, there weren’t even desks, so we had to sit on the floor. We were also being given heavy punishment which is not the case at Achungo [that was likely caning, which is common in much of Kenya]. At that school we were given minimum education but at Achungo we get maximum education.” She knew she would perform better at Achungo. “Achungo has computers that you can use, the library is available, there are sports here.”
Trizer loves going to class. She told us that the classes are quiet, and she gets enough time to study in class and after class with fewer distractions. Here “the best thing is that you get to learn in order to have a good future.”
She enjoys the school field trips – she’d never been on a field trip. Her favorite was when they went to Naivasha (to the park and other tourist attractions). She appreciated Thanksgiving 2018 when last year’s graduates came to campus and gave advice about taking the KCPE exams. “They also encouraged us.”
“I would like to go to university and become a journalist after my schooling. I will be able to explore many areas and raise complaints if there are any other people suffering in the country.”
Trizer likes football, volleyball and reading storybooks. She also likes to practice her songs and improve her talent. On Sundays she goes with her friends to the church on campus with the dorm matron, Dina, leading services.
When she is home on holidays, she helps her mother with the household chores, works in the garden, fetches firewood and fetches water from the river. [Those are all traditionally the work of the women of the household.] And she goes to church with her mother and brothers at the Voice of Salvation and Healing Church.
“I would like to encourage everyone to continue helping the needy. God bless you abundantly. I am very thankful for the help that they have given me. If I get my dream job I will also help the needy just as you have helped me. May God give you strength to continue with the same spirit. “