Nicolar lives nearby with her mother, aunt, sister Loreen, and her older brother Warren. Loreen is 22 and recently finished University with a degree in Agriculture. In 2008 her sister had heard about Achungo and enrolled Nicolar in the preschool (she was 4). The family had heard it was a good school with solid academics and hardworking teachers. Her mother supports the family but has no job or business and so cannot afford school fees. (Her father is serving a life sentence).
She told us, “In my future work I would like to go into Law and become a judge because it deals with justice and the promotion of good behaviors in society. And I will tell them all about Achungo and what a good school it is.”
Nicolar says coming to Achungo was the best thing to happen to her. She likes Reading, Social Studies, English, and playing volleyball. When she is at home she likes to help her aunt in home chores and to help elderly neighbors.
“I want to tell American students to work hard because hard work pays off. Can you guess how much I love you all for your helpful heart, but remember God first. I love you all and also include us in your prayers.”