Ian David (15) came to Achungo (the school at Rodi) 8 years ago, having heard about it from his aunt. He lives with his mother’s sister, his brother (5) who also attends Achungo) and his sister (12, attending a village school). He never knew his parents and told us that his aunt hasn’t told him what happened to them.
Prior to Achungo, Ian had attended Sango Academy. He told us, “Here the teaching is nice and it is a boarding school.” (Boarding, for the 8th grade boys at Achungo, and younger ones if they need it, means they receive three meals each day and have electric lights that allow them to study and read in the evenings.)
Ian likes to draw, play football with friends and study. He enjoys studying Science (“it’s a natural gift”) and wants to become an architect in Kenya.