Happiness lives in Migori (about an hour’s drive from Rodi) with her maternal aunt and uncle and her 3 sisters (ages 12, 7, and 5) and her brother (4). She never knew her parents and has only seen pictures of them. She had heard about Achungo from a cousin who was attending.
In 2019, Happiness joined the 7th grade class at the Rodi campus. Before that she had attended St Joseph’s Primary. She told us, “Achungo is a better school and the students perform better.” She is convinced that being at Achungo will help her to have a good life because it’s such a good school.
Happiness likes reading storybooks, studying with friends and playing volleyball. She also enjoys talking with the dorm Matron (their chaperone). Her favorite class is Swahili and she wants to become a “Generalist” and “talk about Kenya” (I suspect she means “journalist”).