Collins’ grandfather brought him to Achungo in 2016, enrolling him in 6th grade. He told me that Achungo is well known and “has trained teachers and good student performance.” Before that Collins had attended Kotonje Primary near Imbo (about 3 miles away). “The teachers did not teach well and students would often leave school without permission. I like Achungo learning because it is better from the other schools. Before I came here I didn’t know many of the subjects. The teachers in my previous schools were not good. “
Collins lived in Oyugis (about 25 miles away) with his father and mother and 5 siblings between the ages of 12 and 22. They are Maurine, Roseline, Collins, Pauline, and Joan. They all now live at Imbo and tend their subsistence plot. He told us that his parents were robbed once as they returned home from the garden and that sometimes the family runs out of food.
“When I am at home I help my parents in the fields. And I like to collect firewood and to cook for my grandfather. When I am boarding at Achungo I go to church on the weekends. I go so that God will help me with the KCPE exams. I also read on the weekends. I like Sundays the best.” He likes to watch soccer games and races and also music videos and he likes to take part in plays with friends.
Collins’ favorite subjects are Math and Social Studies. He thinks about becoming a journalist “because I watch TV and see them reporting the news.” He also is thinking about becoming a lawyer in order to help other people. He doesn’t like seeing “people being judged.”
He likes that Achungo helps needy students and he worries that he won’t be able to go to secondary school. He asks that everyone pray for him.